Investing in space.. "imaginary gains" that companies compete for!


 The year 2023 is expected to be one of the most exciting years in the history of the "space economy", with more companies and investors directing towards pumping money into projects related to this sector, which has gained strategic importance, since the beginning of space missions in the middle of the last century, up to To this day.

178 space missions in 2022

The rapid technological development that the world has witnessed in the last ten years has contributed to the development of investments related to the "space economy", driven by the spending of private companies. At a time when investments in this sector were previously limited to government initiatives in the world, the most recent The data is that the year 2022 witnessed 178 space missions, of which 90 were conducted by the private sector, as SpaceX, owned by US billionaire Elon Musk, controlled the largest share of private sector missions by carrying out 61 space missions during 2022.

The space economy is worth $469 billion

According to Bank of America's expectations, the space industry will grow in excess of $1.4 trillion by 2030, while the American Space Foundation saw that the size of the "space economy" amounted to $469 billion at the beginning of 2022, recording the fastest growth since 2014, as it returns The majority of investment activity is in the space industry, to civilian commercial spending, military spending and government spending.

Countries that dominate space investments

The Earth's atmosphere is filled with more than 11,000 objects that have been launched since the beginning of the human invasion of the outside world, as the United States of America dominates space investments, having more than 50 percent of these objects, i.e. more than 5,500 objects, followed by Russia with 3,600 objects. , then China with 731, Britain with 515, and Japan with 300 bodies.

The objects sent into space are distributed among satellites, manned and unmanned spacecraft, communication tools and spaceflight equipment, and SpaceX has helped the United States, in the mission of establishing its dominance in space.

86 countries are seeking space

Although more than 86 countries in the world seek to reach space, until the year 2022 there were only about 11 countries capable of sending objects into space, using their own vehicles, led by America, Russia and China, while the rest of the countries must use launch vehicles that Produced by those eleven countries, the aforementioned countries also control the main sites that send satellites, vehicles and other objects into space.

Where is the space industry activity distributed?

Digital transformation expert, Eng. Rabih Saadeh, said in an interview with “Sky News Arabia Economy” that the majority of the commercial activity that the space industry is currently witnessing is related to specific products and services, ranging from communications, the Internet, television, surveillance and defense, tracking missiles and espionage, with ambitions to achieve manned landing on Earth. Mars, in addition to making tourist trips to space.

He also pointed out that the maturity of satellite technology through reusable missiles helped reduce the cost of launching the satellite to about $60 million, from $200 million previously, as this was accompanied by a significant decrease in the cost of producing satellites, expected to witness the year 2023. Further growth in the size of the "space economy", which may exceed the $500 billion mark, despite the negative event that the industry witnessed recently when the giant SpaceX "Starship" rocket exploded minutes after its launch.

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