Terrifying map.. The sky will rain space debris


 Not many would believe that the skies above us are littered with space junk, from spent rocket boosters to dead Soviet-era spy satellites, but it is, and more seriously, that junk could fall on our heads. And the British newspaper "Daily Mail" stated, on Monday, that it is hardly possible to believe the existence of this huge amount of waste left by man in Earth's orbit.

The most difficult thing to understand and believe is that this waste has become time bombs in the sky, with its massive accumulation in low orbit around the Earth in less than 75 years. And with one or more satellites being launched daily, including thousands of satellites, some launched by billionaires like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos, it seems that the governments and agencies concerned will be more panicked than ever.

An interactive map shows the scale of the huge problem facing the globe. And the newspaper says that things are going in a one-way way only. 

In anticipation of a further deterioration of the situation, countries operating in space seek to formulate agreements in this regard in a hurry, while emerging companies seek to devise smart solutions to remove all debris in space, including satellites and probes that humans began launching since the fifties.

The map was designed by the company "LeoLabs", which specializes in monitoring satellites and detecting collisions between them, and it shows the space garbage that revolves over our heads. The map provides many details, including:

  • The name of the missile.
  • Its payload and debris volume.
  • Perigee and aphelion (the point closest to Earth and the point farthest from it).

The company uses progressive array technology radars to monitor low Earth orbit, and is distributed over the following areas:

  • US state of Texas.
  • US state of Alaska.
  • New Zealand.
  • Costa Rica.

These radars allow the California-based company to detect and measure anything flying in its surveillance area.

Most countries left waste

The United States is the country that left the most waste in Earth's orbit, and this is not surprising, given the success of the US space agency "NASA" in launching rockets after rockets into space, in addition to the entry of the private sector represented by businessmen such as Musk, owner of "SpaceX". On the way up to space. According to the company itself:

  • There are 8,497 US space junk that have expired and are no longer used.
  • There are 4,836 Russian space junk.
  • There are 4047 Chinese space junk.

The European Space Agency estimates that there are more than 10,000 tons of space junk currently orbiting Earth.

Scientists have warned that congestion in the Earth's orbit could lead to the fall of this space equipment, which has expired.

They said there is a 10 percent chance that a person will be injured or even killed as a result of old satellites and other damaged equipment falling to Earth within the next decade. And the matter has already happened, as the debris of ancient spacecraft fell on parts of the Earth in the past year 2022, as happened in the US state of Montana and in India.

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