From space to Earth... an unprecedented solar energy project


 According to scientific reports, a number of energy experts have proposed an ambitious project, in order to benefit from the solar energy in space, by collecting it and sending it to the planet, so that humans can use it.

This project is being viewed with optimism, in light of humanity's gradual trend towards renewable and non-polluting energy sources, with the aim of reducing the repercussions of climate change. According to the "Sky News" network, the European Space Agency revealed, during a recent conference in Paris, plans to establish a solar facility in space orbit.

The importance of the project

The project bets on collecting the energy emitted from the sun on a large scale in space, and then sending it in the form of microwaves, which are waves similar to the radio frequencies that we find in a microwave oven.

Scientists believe that it is possible to establish radars on the ground in order to capture the waves sent from space, and then convert them to produce electricity.

Experts say that this project has great potential for success, because microwaves will be able to penetrate clouds in the Earth's atmosphere and space light.

This project is not just a theoretical idea, as there is an application to it on a limited scale, through the experience of the "Airbus" company, and there may be promising results in the future. And last September, the company "Airbus" sent microwaves between two points separated by a distance of 36 meters, in order to produce hydrogen.

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