The Somali Prime Minister dismisses two ministers in his government

Somali Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Barre dismissed the Minister of Agriculture and Public Works without giving reasons.

The Somali Prime Minister dismisses two ministers in his government

 Somali Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Barre dismissed the Minister of Agriculture and Public Works without giving reasons, and their replacements were appointed at the same time.

Berri Mohamed Abdi Haire Marié was appointed Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation, succeeding Mohamed Mudarebi Nono, and Abdel Salam Abdi Ali was appointed Minister of Public Works, succeeding Ismail Abdel Rahman.

Noting that important ministerial portfolios are still vacant, including the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Internal Security, and Women. The Minister of Women, Khadija Mohamed Diri, died in Djibouti last month, while the Minister of Security was appointed as his country's ambassador to Qatar. The Minister of Foreign Affairs also resigned last year from his position to run in the presidential elections in the state of Puntland, which recently took place in the city of Grewe.

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