The Speaker of the Somali People's Assembly concludes a diplomatic visit to Djibouti

The Speaker of the People's Assembly of the Somali Federal Parliament, Madobe, returned from a fruitful official visit to the Republic of Djibouti.

 Speaker of the People's Assembly of the Federal Parliament of Somalia, Sheikh Adam Mohamed Nur (Madobe), has returned from a fruitful official visit to the Republic of Djibouti.

Madobe held extensive discussions with his Djiboutian counterpart, focusing on strengthening fraternal relations between the two countries, and in particular on strengthening ties between the Somali and Djiboutian parliaments, indicating a commitment to regional cooperation and mutual legislative support.

The agenda of the Speaker of the Somali People's Assembly included a series of meetings with high-level officials, including the President of the Republic of Djibouti, Ismail Omar Guelleh, and other prominent leaders. These interactions confirmed the shared vision of the two governments to work closely on matters of common interest and strengthen the cooperation framework that supports their legislative bodies.

This visit represents a continuation of the long-standing friendship and cooperation between Somalia and Djibouti, as the two countries navigate the complexities of regional politics and governance, and the strengthened parliamentary relationship is expected to pave the way for future joint initiatives and cooperative endeavors that will benefit the citizens of both countries.

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