Age is just a number.. an old man achieves the miracle of the new century

Thai athlete Sawang Janpuram

 Thai athlete Sawang Janpuram is famous for being the oldest sprinter in the Southeast Asian country and has competed 4 times in the annual Thailand Masters Athletics Championships.

And at the weekend at the 26th tournament, which was held in the southwestern province of Samut Songkhram, he won all the gold medals in the 100-105-year class, surpassing all competitors in that age group.

When asked about the secret behind his long life, Sawang said, "Exercise has made me strong and good. In addition, exercise helps improve your appetite so that you eat well too."

Sawang takes a daily walk with his 70-year-old daughter, Siripan, doing simple household chores such as sweeping fallen leaves in the garden.

But before the competitions, he was upping the ante, training twice a day for a week at a local stadium with his daughter.

"My father always has positive his mental health is great. In terms of physical health, he is gaining more strength," said Siripan.

The training paid off, as Sawang's time in the 100m this year was a personal best and a new record for his age group in Thailand.

The current world record set by Usain Bolt in 2009 is 9.58 seconds.

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