Pakistan rejects India's statement on missile launch

Indian missile

 Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi said that Pakistan rejects the statement of the Indian Defense Minister regarding the accidental launch of a missile.

Qureshi added that the Indian statement was "incomplete," and said that he had sent a written letter to the UN Security Council regarding this incident and asked the international community to discuss it.

The Indian Ministry of Defense had announced earlier on Monday that it was conducting a review of weapons systems, following the faulty launch of the missile.

 "We give top priority to the safety and security of our weapons systems," Indian Defense Minister Rajnat Singh told parliament. If we discover any flaw, it will be corrected immediately."

"India accidentally fired a missile that landed in Pakistan around 7 pm last Wednesday during routine maintenance and inspection. While we regret this accident, we are relieved that no one was hurt," he added.

Singh told Parliament that an official investigation had been ordered to determine the cause of the missile launch, noting that any deficiencies would be fixed immediately.

Anger escalated in Pakistan over the incident, with officials calling for a joint investigation.

Earlier, Major General Babar Iftikhar said that the Pakistan Air Force tracked the missile since its launch and throughout its 3-minute flight in Pakistani airspace.

Iftikhar protested the "blatant violation" and demanded an explanation from India, adding that it "endangered civilians".

India said last week: "While the accident is very unfortunate, it is gratifying that there was no loss of life due to the accident."

It is worth noting that Pakistan and India have lived a history of tense relations since they gained independence from British rule in 1947.

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