The President's plan for the renaissance and the elevation of Somalia

Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud

 President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud is striving to reform the conditions in Somalia that were ravaged by his predecessors, so he began to meet with the presidents of the Senate and Representatives to expedite the formation of the new government

Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud's main goal now is to achieve national consensus after the differences that Farmajo made in various state institutions, so Hassan Sheikh wants to reform them before these differences destroy the country

He will strive to form a reliable government that works to achieve the interests of the Somali people so that he does not come with a government that oppresses the people and takes their rights like the previous government

His Excellency President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud is now seeking to unify the ranks of the army, which Farmajo sabotaged and turned into private militias to achieve personal interests, and this was not in the interest of the people, but the current president does everything for the benefit of the people

He is now working to improve the relationship of the central government with state governments after their differences with former President Farmajo. Hassan Sheikh is trying to fix the chaos that Farmajo left the country with, so we must support him

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