Results of President Sheikh Mahmoud's attendance at the East African Community Summit

President Sheikh Mahmoud

 On Thursday, Somalia submitted an official application to join the East African Community, in a move that puts the African country at the gates of the regional organization. In a statement, the Somali presidency said, "President Hassan Sheikh has submitted an application to join the East African Community."

the East African Community; A regional intergovernmental organization of seven countries in the Great Lakes region: Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud participated in the opening of a summit held by the organization and hosted by the city of Arusha in Tanzania, where he submitted an official application for membership.

The Somali president spoke about "the hard work and dynamism of the Somali people and the economic opportunities of our country, especially the natural resources such as minerals, livestock and agriculture, which make Somalia one of the countries with a better future in the region."

He said, “I am very happy to see the Somali flag flying alongside your countries’ flags today, and I hope it will be that way for years to come. Somalia is a very rich country, we have mineral, animal and agricultural resources, and most importantly, we have a vibrant business community.”

He explained the importance of Somalia becoming a full member of this umbrella, noting that the economic and social future of the countries of the Horn of Africa is one.

He continued: “The future of these countries is interconnected, and Somalia does not want to be a burden on you. Instead, we want to be a useful country that contributes to these important countries. Therefore, speaking on behalf of the Somali people, I present to you an official application for our membership in this umbrella.”

The Somali president is making efforts to participate in economic cooperation and facilitate trade in the countries of the region.

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