The new government's efforts to eradicate terrorism in Somalia

Somali army

 The efforts of the new government to eliminate terrorism in Somalia, which the government of Hassan Sheikh wants to destroy Somalia because of terrorism and the genocide of the Somali people, we can say that it is the first government that says it will end Al-Shabab from the country who directly stated that they are fighting and will always fight the Somali armed forces.

  He offered the continuation of operations against the Al-Shabaab movement, which was launched by the state forces in several areas in the Hiran region in the center of the country, to stand by the National Army to defeat the organization that opposes peace and stability. He pointed out that the losses of Al-Shabab reached 50 dead, and highlighted the efforts of the new government to eliminate terrorism in Somalia and enhance security and safety, and to continue its war with Al-Shabaab until the destruction of the country in which they are located.

He urged the Somali people to work together against terrorism and support the new government, and President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud said that we need the people and the army to unite and keep the enemy away, because he said it is the only way we can defeat terrorism.

Somalia is on the verge of liberation from Al-Shabaab once and for all thanks to the Somali army, which is always trying to attack to expel them out of the country. Therefore, the Somali people are ready to assist the army with any assistance until terrorism is ended in Somalia

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