Corona’s multiple injuries .. more dangerous than we imagine


 Many fear the effects of "Covid-19" in the winter season, when temperatures drop and flu infections rise, especially after a study warned that infection with the coronavirus more than once could double the risk of death. Scientists from the University of Washington School of Medicine said that repeated infections with "Covid-19" increase the risk of death due to damage to vital organs in the human body such as the lungs, heart, brain, blood and digestive system.

According to the study, whose results were published in the journal Nature Medicine, people who became infected again after the initial infection with the Corona virus were twice as likely to die, and 3 times more likely to need hospitalization than those who contracted the disease only once.

Those with frequent infections were three and a half times more likely to develop lung problems, and three times more likely to develop heart disease. And they are one and a half times more likely to develop brain problems than people who have had COVID-19 once.

According to the study’s organizers, “infection for the second, third or fourth time, contributes to additional health risks in the acute stage, which means the first 30 days after infection, and in the following months, that is, the long Covid stage.” Experts in the study advised that "people should do their best to prevent recurrence by getting all their booster and seasonal influenza vaccinations, and by staying home when sick."

Great study

The scientists analyzed about 5.8 million anonymous medical records from the US Department of Veterans Affairs database, and the participants included men and women of all ages and races.

The researchers also looked at data for 5.3 million people who did not test positive for the virus between March 1, 2020 and April 6, 2022.

The team examined data for a control group of 443,000 people who tested positive once, and 41,000 who had COVID-19 at least twice.

In the latter group, most people had two or three infections, and a small number contracted the virus four times.

There have been no cases involving people who have contracted Covid 5 or more times.

The team used models to determine the health risks of recurring coronavirus infection within 30 days of disease detection and up to 6 months afterward.

The infection came from a range of variants including delta and omicron.

Negative results have been reported among unvaccinated people as well as people who received the COVID-19 vaccine prior to re-infection.

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