The new UAE ambassador to Somalia arrives in Mogadishu

new UAE ambassador

 His Excellency Ahmed Juma Al Rumaithi, Ambassador-Designate of the United Arab Emirates to the Federal Republic of Somalia, arrived today, Wednesday, in Mogadishu, the Somali capital to develop relations between the two countries.

The new ambassador was received at Adam Uday International Airport in Mogadishu by Hersi Haji Alsu, Director of the Protocol Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, and a member of the UAE Embassy - Saif Ali Rishash.

Bilateral relations between Somalia and the UAE are developing and improving in various fields of common interest since the election of Dr. Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud as President of Somalia on May 15, 2022 AD because he is concerned with Somalia's foreign relations

The Federal Republic of Somalia and the United Arab Emirates are two brotherly countries that enjoy good historical relations that have witnessed remarkable development at all levels. This indicates that the Emirates always helps Somalia when it needs assistance.

The UAE is one of the countries that most assists Somalia in its crises, such as the drought crisis, when Somalia continued to send humanitarian aid to the affected people to overcome the crisis. Therefore, good relations with them must be maintained.

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