The President of Somalia intervenes to calm the parliament

The President

 Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud confirmed, on Monday, that Parliament is the backbone for liberating the country from the terrorist Al-Shabaab movement. This came after a meeting with the Presidency of the People's Assembly (the lower chamber of the federal parliament) and the Standing Committee of the Council.

The President of Somalia said: "The Somali Parliament is the focus of the plan to liberate the country from Al-Shabaab terrorists, as they represent the people who suffer from the crimes of the organization."

The Somali President urged the Presidency of the Council, the Committee and all members of Parliament to expedite the approval of anti-terrorism laws and policies proposed by the government, and to strengthen cooperation with the country's institutions.

Observers believe that the meeting aims to calm the parliament's strong reaction towards the government in the security file, and to direct the compass towards the ongoing war against the terrorist youth movement, in addition to rationalizing the parliament's efforts to pass decisive laws in the ongoing battle without preoccupation with other files that lead to the inevitable clash. Nobody could benefit from it more than the terrorist Al-Shabaab movement at the moment.

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