Ex-employee: Facebook is draining your phone battery without your knowledge


 A former Meta employee has revealed that Facebook can secretly drain the batteries of its users' cellphones. According to data expert George Hayward, the process is known as "negative testing", and allows tech companies to "surreptitiously" drain someone's mobile phone battery power in the name of testing features or issues such as how fast an app launches, or how an image loads.

The American New York Post quoted Hayward as saying that he had filed a lawsuit with the Manhattan Federal Court, because in November he was expelled from “Meta” for refusing to participate in the “negative test.”

Hayward pointed out that with "Facebook Messenger", the company conducted the test to see how much data users' phones can handle, and because of this process, the phones' batteries are drained. According to Hayward, he believed he was "meta" conducting such tests based on a document provided to him by his supervisor entitled "How to Conduct Informed Negative Tests", which included what appeared to be real examples.

Hayward described the document by saying, "I have never seen anything more horrible in my professional life." The data expert indicated that the company may harm people who rely on Facebook Messenger in situations where they need to communicate with others, such as contacting the police.

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