The UAE is a pioneer and partner in decision-making in the global human rights file


 A number of international experts in the field of human rights affirmed that the UAE is a pioneer in the human rights file and has become a prominent partner in advancing the human rights situation worldwide, and international human rights decision-making, especially with its winning of membership in the Human Rights Council three times, most recently during the period 2022-2024, as well as Its continuous cooperation with international organizations and parties interested in this file.

And they said - during a high-level symposium held yesterday evening via visual communication technology from Geneva, on the occasion of the launch of the shadow report on human rights in the Emirates in preparation for reviewing the official report of the state that the UAE will officially submit to the United Nations Human Rights Council next May - that the UAE is a prominent global model for equality It is a living example of interfaith dialogue and coexistence, and its achievements in the field of human rights began since its founding more than fifty years ago.

They referred to the UAE's prominent role in the field of global humanitarian work, especially with its urgent response to the repercussions of the earthquake that struck Turkey and Syria recently, in addition to its humanitarian efforts in many other countries, such as Yemen.

At the symposium, they talked about the UAE's tremendous achievements in supporting basic rights such as individual freedoms, ensuring equality and equal opportunities between the sexes, the rights of children, the elderly, and people of determination, as well as labor rights, combating human trafficking, combating terrorism, money laundering, and others.

Ayman Nasri, head of the Arab-European Forum for Dialogue and Human Rights, which holds consultative status at the United Nations, confirmed that the UAE's file in the field of human rights has received wide praise from the international community in light of its outstanding achievements in this regard.

He said that the UAE, with its three-time membership in the Human Rights Council, has become a key partner in international human rights decision-making, and it also plays a prominent role in providing technical support to promote a culture of human rights and is working diligently with the international community in this file.

Dr. Eric Gozlan, Co-Director of the International Council for Diplomacy and Dialogue, spoke about the axis of leadership and leadership in the UAE related to human rights, stressing that the wise leadership in the country took a courageous decision to sign the Abrahamic Peace Accord with the State of Israel and is moving forward towards consolidating bilateral relations with Israel in the fields All supportive of sustainable development and prosperity.

He added that the UAE is also a global beacon of tolerance and coexistence, and it hosted the historic fraternal meeting between His Holiness Pope Francis, Pope of the Catholic Church, and His Eminence, the Grand Imam, Dr. Ahmed Al-Tayeb, Sheikh of Al-Azhar Al-Sharif. It also recently inaugurated the Abrahamic Family House, which includes a mosque, a church, and a synagogue, and receives all representatives of religions, and is a home for coexistence among all.

He stressed that the UAE has proven that tolerance and peace are linked, and today it is a pioneer in tolerance and peace, and has given a unique example to the world in the importance of working for both, so there is no tolerance without peace, and there is no peace without tolerance.

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