Human Rights in the Emirates: A Roadmap Towards More Achievements

the Emirates

 The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has made significant strides in recent years when it comes to human rights. With a rapidly growing economy and a diverse population, the country has faced unique challenges in ensuring that the rights of all its residents are protected. In this blog post, we will discuss the progress made so far in the field of human rights in the Emirates, as well as the steps that need to be taken to ensure that further achievements are made in the future.

Progress Made So Far

The UAE has shown a commitment to improving human rights within its borders in a number of ways. Some notable achievements include:

1. Women's Rights: The UAE has made significant progress in promoting gender equality and empowering women. In 2015, the UAE appointed eight female ministers, marking the highest representation of women in the federal government. Additionally, women now hold 50% of the seats in the Federal National Council, the country's parliamentary body.

2. Labor Rights: The UAE has implemented various labor reforms to better protect the rights of workers, particularly expatriate workers who make up a significant portion of the country's workforce. Measures such as the Wage Protection System (WPS) and the midday break rule during the summer months have helped to ensure that workers receive their wages on time and are not exposed to unhealthy working conditions.

3. Religious Tolerance: The UAE is a predominantly Muslim country, but it places great importance on promoting religious tolerance and coexistence among its diverse population. The government has taken steps to ensure that people of all faiths can practice their religion freely, including the construction of churches, synagogues, and temples.

4. National Human Rights Institution: In 2020, the UAE announced the establishment of a National Human Rights Institution (NHRI), which will be responsible for promoting and protecting human rights within the country in accordance with international standards.

Challenges and The Road Ahead

Despite the progress made so far, the UAE still faces a number of challenges when it comes to human rights. The roadmap towards more achievements includes:

1. Expanding Political Freedoms: Political freedoms in the UAE remain limited, with no political parties and a tightly controlled media landscape. To continue its progress in human rights, the UAE should work towards greater political freedom, including allowing for the formation of political parties and promoting a more open media environment.

2. Strengthening Labor Rights: While the UAE has made significant strides in improving labor rights, there is still room for improvement. The government should work towards eradicating practices such as passport confiscation and kafala (sponsorship) system, which can lead to worker exploitation. Additionally, more efforts should be made to ensure that domestic workers are protected under labor laws.

3. Combating Human Trafficking: The UAE has taken steps to combat human trafficking, such as implementing a National Action Plan, but more needs to be done to address this issue. Strengthening law enforcement efforts, raising awareness, and providing support to victims are crucial in the fight against human trafficking.

4. Enhancing Refugee Rights: The UAE has been praised for its efforts in providing humanitarian aid and support to refugees from conflict-stricken countries. However, the country should also work on developing a more comprehensive legal framework for the protection of refugees, asylum seekers, and stateless persons.

5. Upholding Rights of Migrant Workers: As the UAE continues to attract migrant workers from across the globe, it is essential that their rights are upheld and protected. The government should focus on improving living conditions for migrant workers, ensuring fair wages, and providing access to legal aid and support.


The UAE has made significant progress in the field of human rights, but there is always room for further achievements. By addressing the challenges outlined above and continuing to demonstrate a commitment to upholding human rights, the Emirates can serve as a model for other countries in the region and around the world.

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