Corona caused the destruction of an entire generation medically and psychologically


 A British investigation said that the closure and restrictions resulting from the outbreak of the Corona epidemic caused the destruction of an entire generation in several aspects, including medical, psychological and educational.

The researchers who participated in the investigation explained that several countries applied strict restrictions without studying them or ascertaining their negative consequences.

Experts who participated in the investigation believe that the policies of British officials caused the destruction of an entire generation

And that children are still suffering the consequences of that closure. This led to an "amazing rise" in eating disorders, obesity problems, and changes in healthy nutrition balances among the younger generations, especially teenage girls.

Not to mention the consequences of the closure on the education sector in general, as it was clearly negative. Experts believe that schools today have a lot of work to do to bridge the gap that occurred during the outbreak of the epidemic, in addition to the great difficulty faced by students in adapting again to the old form of education.

The researchers explained that the closure caused children to become more isolated and unable to socialize properly, in addition to an unacceptable addiction to social media platforms, tablets and screens. The investigation concluded that Britain copied the idea of ​​closure from China without discussing and studying the idea.

Experts accused the British government of not planning sufficiently to deal with the closure and the epidemic in general, and perhaps the mouthpiece of many countries in the world utters these results and their generations suffer from the same consequences.

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