Somalia's leaders unite behind the president

Somalia's leaders

 Agreement and emphasis on holding elections, security issues and combating terrorism was the result of a two-day conference of Somali leaders. The capital, Mogadishu, witnessed a consultative conference between Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud and the current and former leaders of Somalia, which resulted in a full-fledged roadmap for the political and security transition process.

The conference agenda included, according to the Somali presidency, an assessment of the achievements of the administration of Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud after a year of his rule, and a discussion of the challenges he faced, and future plans in various fields in addition to security files, defeating terrorism, democracy and elections.

The conference witnessed the participation of a number of current and former Somali officials in addition to President Sheikh Mahmoud, including Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Berri, Speaker of the People's Assembly Adam Madobe, Speaker of the Senate Abdi Hashi, and former President Sharif Sheikh Ahmed (the shadow leader in the opposition), and 3 former presidents of parliament and 5 presidents. Former ministers, 3 former ministers and presidential candidates.

According to the Somali government spokesman, Farhan Jamali, the assembled leaders acknowledged that this consultative conference is the first of its kind, and discussed crucial issues that define the features of the country's political and security future, especially the political agreements reached by the National Consultative Council (Forum of Federal Government Leaders, Heads of States and Mayor of Mogadishu Municipality) .

The officials touched on the country's election model, between the presidential system, the multi-party system, the role of the National Elections Commission, the unification of the expiry date of the constitutional mandates of federal government leaders and state leaders, and the procedures for completing the country's constitution.

The conference commended the efforts to eradicate terrorism and the victories that have been achieved so far, and unifying the ranks to confront extremism. It also commended the government's efforts in the path of debt forgiveness, and the Somali army's assumption of responsibility for the country's security from the forces of the Atmis Mission.

The conference also commended the continuous sessions and ongoing political discussions at all levels aimed at a smooth political and security transition, stressing the need for the state of Puntland to return to the national dialogue table to participate in the completion of the determination of crucial issues.

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