Artificial intelligence interferes in this profession... and a scientific warning

Artificial intelligence

 Experts from the University of Cambridge confirmed that artificial intelligence techniques in the field of human resources select the employee through analyzes based on hiring bias and do not take into account diversity. Experts warn companies and institutions against using them, so what is the reason?

Experts said that AI technologies select the right employee through analytics based on hiring bias and not taking into account diversity.

These tools are designed to process large amounts of job applicants through algorithms that evaluate personality traits, speech patterns and facial expressions, for example, which experts consider misleading and possibly dangerous results for the future of the labor market.

Experts liken some AI tools to "mechanical pseudoscience" that reminds them of outdated beliefs like physiognomy.

All this prompted Aswat to point out that the employee's artificial intelligence assessment by analyzing vocabulary and personal traits, such as clothing and appearance, are inaccurate personal readings that may often lead to unfairness to the job candidate.

Experts at the University of Cambridge point out that these technologies are subject to arbitrary provisions and can unfairly affect job seekers. The researchers call on companies for more regulation and transparency to prevent the domination of artificial intelligence technologies in the labor market.

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