The UAE calls for support for Somalia in confronting climate change

The UAE called for support for Somalia to enhance its resilience in the face of climate change

The UAE calls for support for Somalia in confronting climate change

 The UAE called for support for Somalia to enhance its resilience in the face of climate change, pointing out that the African country faces regular disasters resulting from climate change, ranging from recurring droughts that affect food security and increase poverty, and the recent floods that forced nearly a quarter of a million people to flee. .

The UAE said, in a statement before the Security Council delivered by Her Excellency Ambassador Lana Nusseibeh, the country’s permanent representative to the United Nations: “These events further escalate the already difficult humanitarian conditions and could become a cause of conflict.”

She pointed to the UAE support provided to the Somali government to help alleviate these humanitarian needs on the ground, explaining that during the period from 2018 to 2023, aid from the UAE to Somalia amounted to about $197 million.

His Excellency the Ambassador praised the steadfastness and strength of Mogadishu

She continued: “The immediate challenges facing Somalia must not distract us from focusing on the long-term sustainable development of the country.” Her Excellency Ambassador Lana Nusseibeh stated that over the past few decades, despite many difficulties, Mogadishu has proven to be a wonderful example of resilience and the potential of regional and international partnerships.

She said: “I would like to affirm our support for the people of Somalia and their federal government, and for both the United Nations Somalia Support Mission (UNSOM) and the African Alliance to Support Somalia Against Terrorism (ATMIS). Thanks to their joint efforts, and despite the challenges facing the country, Somalia continues its inspiring upward journey.”

She called for continuing to combat terrorism, noting that President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud and the Somali National Army have shown great determination to expel the terrorist Al-Shabaab movement from its strongholds throughout the country.

The terrorist Al-Shabaab movement betrayed Somali citizens

She pointed out that everyone realizes that the activities of the terrorist movement still pose a serious threat to Somalia and the Horn of Africa region in general. A journalist was killed by Al-Shabaab during a suicide attack in a restaurant in Mogadishu, which is another reminder of the need to remain vigilant, according to the ambassador.

She said: In recent months, and under the threat of the Somali government’s military operation, the terrorist Al-Shabaab movement has responded with increased violence, pointing out that the next steps in combating Al-Shabaab are clear, which is the need for a coordinated strategy to support the ongoing military operation to protect Somalis, and at the same time, help the government Somalia to achieve stability in its regional gains.

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