Britain welcomes the results of the meeting of the presidents of Somalia and Somaliland

The United Kingdom welcomed the outcome of the meeting between the Somali President and the Head of the Somaliland Administration

Britain welcomes the results of the meeting of the presidents of Somalia and Somaliland

 The United Kingdom welcomed the outcome of the meeting between Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud and the Head of Somaliland Administration, Musa Bihi Abdi, in Djibouti.

A statement issued by the British Embassy in Somalia indicated that the British government welcomed the main points that emerged from the Djibouti talks between the two sides. In its statement, the embassy stressed the importance of the agreement reached by the two sides, describing it as a step towards reconciliation.

It is noteworthy that the two leaders agreed to resume dialogue between Mogadishu and Hargeisa, establish full cooperation on security issues and combating organized crime, and form a joint technical committee that would supervise the continuation of negotiations between the two sides, after two days of talks hosted by Djiboutian President Ismail Omar Guelleh.

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