The UAE condemns the terrorist attack that targeted a hotel in Mogadishu

The UAE strongly condemned the terrorist attack that targeted a hotel in the Somali capital

The UAE condemns the terrorist attack that targeted a hotel in Mogadishu

 The UAE strongly condemned the terrorist attack that targeted a hotel in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, and led to the killing of at least three people and the injury of dozens at the hands of the terrorist Al-Shabaab movement.

In a statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reiterated the UAE’s rejection of all forms of violence and terrorism that aim to destabilize security and stability and are inconsistent with international law.

The Ministry expressed its sincere condolences to the government and people of Somalia and to the families of the victims of the heinous crime in which Somalia lost its children and many were injured. Therefore, Somalia's response must be strong.

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