Somalia and Libya discuss strengthening relations and cooperation

The advisor to the Somali president, who is currently visiting Libya, met with the head of the Libyan Presidential Council

Somalia and Libya discuss strengthening relations and cooperation

 The Advisor to the Somali President, Mr. Tahir Mahmoud Jelly, who is currently visiting Libya, met with the President of the Libyan Presidential Council, Mohamed Yunus Al-Manfi. The two countries expressed their mutual desire to strengthen their relationship, recognizing the importance of solidarity and cooperation in achieving goals and facing common challenges.

Jelly conveyed a message from Dr. Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud, President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, to his Libyan counterpart, and the discussions centered on strengthening fraternal relations between Somalia and Libya, with a focus on cooperation in the fields of business, security and politics.

This meeting represents a step forward in ongoing efforts to strengthen a strong partnership between Somalia and Libya, reflecting their commitment to working together for the prosperity and stability of their countries and the region.

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