"Passports crisis" in Real Madrid .. How does it affect the team?

Real Madrid

 The Spanish sports newspaper "Marca" highlighted the "passports" crisis within Real Madrid, the local champion and the European Champions League, which may affect the possibility of adding or escalating non-European players in the future.

According to the source, the Brazilian trio, Vinicius Junior, Rodrigo and Eder Militao, have not yet obtained Spanish passports, so that they can be treated as local players.

The widespread newspaper attributed the crisis to a "congestion" in the Spanish Ministry of Justice, which decides on granting citizenship to foreigners.

In the case of Vinicius, who has been residing in Spain since 2018, Marca said that he is still waiting for his passport despite meeting the requirements of the law, knowing that he has successfully passed the two required exams in 2020, one in the Spanish language and the other on the general culture of the country.

However, neither the young star nor the club has yet had any update on when his Spanish passport will be issued. The newspaper said that his colleagues, Rodrigo and Militao, will apparently have to wait a long time as well.

Spain's laws allow Brazilians and Argentines to obtain citizenship after two years of residence. This crisis could prevent Real Madrid from escalating other talents to the first team, such as the Japanese Takefusa Kubo, loaned to Real Mallorca, and the Brazilian Vinicius Tobias, player of the reserve team "Real Madrid B".

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