The cooperation of the new government and the people to eliminate Al-Shabab

Somali army

 The people are gathering together to get rid of the terrorist Al-Shabaab movement that threatens the entire Somali people who only seek to live in peace in their country, but Al-Shabaab is trying to spread terrorism in the country

The Somali army is striving hard to get rid of the terrorist group Al-Shabaab in cooperation with all sects of the people who want to get rid of terrorism that is destroying Somalia from the inside and from the outside, so they must be confronted before the losses increase

The armed forces got rid of a large number of the terrorist Al-Shabaab movement that spreads terrorism, so they must have the support of the people in order to continue fighting the despicable terrorism that is destroying our country, Somalia in all respects.

The national army and the people of the region are working together to liberate the terrorist group Al-Shabaab from more than 20 areas until terrorism is eliminated from all sides to purify Somalia, so everyone must continue to fight Al-Shabaab

The Somali government is working to expel Al-Shabaab from the country as quickly as possible so that what can be saved in Somalia is saved, as Al-Shabaab is constantly killing the Somali people and destroying the country, so they must be stopped.

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