Urgent warning of imminent danger caused by artificial intelligence

artificial intelligence

 An organization that monitors content on the Internet has warned of the danger of using artificial intelligence to produce visual materials that appear very realistic, showing alleged sexual positions on children.

The Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) said that it had already found stunningly realistic images produced by artificial intelligence, so that many people could not distinguish them from real images, according to the British "Sky News" network, on Tuesday.

It added that it had investigated web pages, some of which were reported by users, that showed images of children as young as 3 years old. She stated that this puts real children in danger. The IWF defines itself as an organization concerned with finding and removing content on the Internet that shows child sexual abuse.

The organisation's chief executive, Susie Hargreaves, has called on British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to treat the issue as a top priority when Britain hosts a global summit on artificial intelligence later this year.

She said that the numbers of these images are not large at the present time, but it is clear that there is a possibility for criminals to produce images that show children in sexual positions that violate their rights. And considered that this matter would be devastating for the security of the Internet and the security of children on the network.

Producing images showing children in obscene sexual positions is prohibited under British law. The organization says that artificial intelligence technology in this field is developing rapidly and making it easier to access, which means that dealing with the problem will be difficult for the law. Britain's National Crime Agency says this risk is increasing, stressing that it takes the matter very seriously.

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