African-Italian cooperation cannot succeed as long as one African country violates the sovereignty of another country

Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud, who delivered a speech at the African-Italian Cooperation Forum, noted

African-Italian cooperation cannot succeed as long as one African country violates the sovereignty of another country

 The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud, who spoke at the Africa-Italian Cooperation Forum, noted the bright future of Somalia, the investment opportunities and the country’s resources that are beneficial to the region, and the world as a whole.

The President stated that international cooperation depends on respect for the rule of law and the principles of state sovereignty and territorial integrity, and said: “Cooperation between Africa and Italy cannot be effective if an African country violates the borders of another country, and an example of this is Ethiopia’s failed attempt to interfere in the independence of our country.”

The President alluded to the challenges facing the government of Somalia and the steadfastness shown by the Somali people to confront them, saying that the liberation of areas under the control of terrorists will go hand in hand with plans to enhance state building and enhance cooperation and Somalia’s role in the region, including joining the East African Community and lifting the arms embargo. , and complete debt relief.

He said: “Somalia can be proud of its God-given resources in the fields of agriculture, livestock, fisheries, and energy, and of its strategic location, with Somalis, most of whom are young, characterized by their effectiveness, ambition, and innovation. Joining the East African Community has greatly encouraged our business vision.”

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