The National Consultative Council conference begins in Mogadishu

Today, Tuesday, the National Advisory Council conference, which includes the leadership of the federal government, began

The National Consultative Council conference begins in Mogadishu

 Today, Tuesday, the National Advisory Council conference, which includes the leadership of the federal government, leaders of regional governments, and the governor of Banadir Province, began at the presidential palace in Mogadishu.

According to the Somali News Agency (SONA), the Somali leadership is discussing during the conference headed by Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud the security situation, strengthening the ongoing military operations in the country, and completing the interim constitution.

All regional state heads are participating in the conference, with the exception of the President of Puntland, the Prime Minister, his deputy, and the Governor of Banadir Province, for special reasons that have not been explained.

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